The Price of Being a Plant Mom + Money Saving Tips

I got in on the #plantmom game just like every other 20-something women on the internet — and I love it! Waking up to Rose (Peace Lily), The Six (Snake Plants), and Mac (Pothos) is simply fun! In addition to plants being great decor additions (they’re apart of the 3 P’s), I found that taking care of something other than myself (and Sal) was extremely beneficial during the pandemic. It kept my mind and soul busy and that something that can’t be denied. HOWEVER, plants are fucking expensive and I nobody told me. Because I don’t want y’all to be blindsided the way I was, I’ve decided to open the receipt book and share what I’ve spent on my #plantbabies & give some money saving tips.

What I got & how much I spent



Snake Plant (Sansevieria) - I purchased two plants (propagated them until I got 6 plants) - $39 and $16, respectively. I purchased a big plant from Ace Hardware and a tiny one from Home Depot in Delaware

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia) - $19.99

Pothos - $0.00 Another gift.

Terracotta Pots & Saucers - ~$50

I purchased the majority of my pots & saucers from Ace Hardware

Ceramic Pots - $10

Potting Soil & Plant Food - $75

Deceased Plants - ~$100 I’ve killed a lot of plants, don't judge me.

Money saving tips

  1. Go for easily propagated plants like snake plants. Over the last two years, I’ve only purchased two Snake Plants, yet I have six. Whenever one of my babies get a little big or has a drooping stem, I chop off a piece and pop it in some water.

  2. The smaller the plant, the cheaper the price. Instead of going for the towering, mature plants try for a smaller one that you can nurture.

  3. If you travel 20 miles outside the city, prices drop dramatically on plants. For example, I have family in Delaware and can save $5 - $15 per plant.

  4. Plant Share! I’ve picked up a lot of plants from friends who are also plant lovers. In stead of purchasing, try propagating a few of your favorites & swap with friends.

  5. If you want to swap plants, but your friends aren’t interested, be sure to follow DC Plant Swap and We The Plants DC.


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