Moving Sucks! Here’s How I Made It Suck A Little Less


The love on the sneak peek of the new apartment has been so overwhelming. I truly can't believe it. I spend about an hour or two a day trying to catch up on all my DM's and text messages but still find myself behind. So, if you’ve messaged me in the last week - I promise I’m not ignoring you!

Saying yes to the address is all well and good, but I don't have time to savor the moment. It's time to pack up, move out, and unmake my studio. I'm already dropping moving tips on IG, but today on the blog, I want to discuss how I ensured my move sucked as little as humanly possible. The simple fact is, moving is a horrid task most of us would love to skip, but it’s a reality of life and one I’m determined to master. So, here are the insights I’ve gathered during my moving journey.

5 Tips To Make Moving Suck A Little Less

  1. Hire Movers

    I love saving money and there are plenty of ways to save a few bucks during a move, but having a team of professionals courier your belongings is a must! I hired Bookstore Movers, based on the recommendations of everyone I know, and in less than five hours, Alan and Joe carefully carted my belongings to their new home, and even placed boxes in the correct rooms based on my handy labels.

    Everything came to about $700 (including tip) and it was well worth it. If you’re planning to move soon, definitely hire Bookstore Movers and use code ‘IMANI10 for a discount. Get a free estimate here!

  2. Get A Good Air Mattress

    We are too old to be sleeping on the floor, and during my move, there were several days when my bed was at the new place, but I needed to stay at the studio. So, I invested in a high-quality air mattress to help bridge the gap. This queen-sized, double-height, beauty from Sealy with a built-in pump and fancy headboard was everything I could hope for and then some!

  3. Drink The Water… Stupid!

    Have you ever been so busy you forget to drink water for 24 hours and end up in the hospital? I have. And it is not fun, so I made sure to keep an eye on my water intake by keeping my favorite Simple Modern tumbler close by and constantly filling it up using my extra-large filtered water dispenser.

    Are you team room temperature or cold water? Let me know in the comments!

  4. Make It Feel Familiar

    I’m afraid of the dark and sensitive to smells, so I wanted every moment at the new place to feel as comfy as possible. I brought over creature comforts like my Pura, a nightlight and diffuser in one, my door security jam, and my favorite knit blanket.

  5. Take The Help That’s Offered

    In the early days of moving, I turned down a lot of offers to help pack up my apartment. and I’ll admit that was stupid as hell. Moving will always take longer and be more stressful than you think, so if someone offers to pack boxes, let you use their car, or spackle over nail holes… TAKE IT. Always be respectful of people’s time and definitely offer to pay for gas!


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