Get The Best Price At The Flea Market With These 6 Tips
If you’re not haggling at the flea market, you are not making the most out of the experience. To be clear, I’m not advocating for being a lowballing asshole who offers $100 for a 9 x 12 hand-tied wool rug, but if you follow my tips, you might be able to knock $10-$50 off any vintage piece. Keep reading to learn how to haggle.
Photo by TRUTHIS Studios
Wait A Minute
If you’re not good at negotiating, you need to master the art of the ask & wait! Here’s how you do it…
When you see something you like, ask for a price, but don’t act too interested... Say thank you, and let them know that you’ll be back after checking out the other sellers. Come back in 20 minutes and offer a price more in line with your budget.
This lets the seller know that you are willing to walk away, but coming back shows your interest & makes them more likely to accept the lower offer!
Look For Imperfections
By design, vintage items aren’t perfect, but some items come in better condition than others. Do an in-depth inspection of potential purchases and ask for a discount if you see deep scratches, water stains, or broken pieces.
Say something like, “I like this piece, but there are a couple of visible scratches on the top, can you anything about the price?”
Always Counter, Within Reason
I haggle even when the seller gives me a good price. For example, when I bought this tray, the guy wanted $25! I thought that was a fair price, but I only had $23 in cash. So I asked if he would take $23, so I wouldn’t have to go to the ATM. After a subtle pause, he agreed and I got a new tray… Yay!
Photo by TRUTHIS Studios
Time It Perfectly
The best time to get a good price is at the end of the market because anything that isn’t sold that day has to be packed up & stored. If you arrive right at the end, a seller might be willing to go down on price to avoid the having to take it back home.
Bring Cash
It’s a lot easier to haggle when you’ve got cold hard cash! No matter how far we come as a cashless society [green] money talks! + a lot of smaller sellers don’t accept credit cards, Venmo, or cash-app as a way to keep their expenses down. Save yourself the stress, and bring cash!
Be Prepared To Walk Away
The final step to being a good haggler is knowing when to walk away. Don’t take out more cash. Don’t max out your credit card. Don’t borrow money from your friend! Walking away can be hard, especially when it’s an item you LOVE, but not being able to pay your rent because you wanted a vintage rug is not HOT. Keep it cute & come back in a few weeks with more money.
TTYL! I’m going to the flea market,